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So you like Fat People? Why there is nothing wrong with Larger Love

Growing Horizons Team

Updated: Apr 7, 2021

Are you attracted to big beautiful women?
So you like larger people?

When most people talk about love and attraction, they automatically only discuss the idea of two lean individuals gravitating towards one another. They never consider the idea of someone falling for a fat person as if it’s a far-fetched occurrence that doesn’t even come close to being in the realm of possibility. And if someone shows interest in a fat individual, people call it a fetish. They reduce it to an unrestrained compulsion and try to shame the person with such inclination because they believe that plumpness is undesirable and not to be appreciated or admired.

If you are someone who likes their partner on the chubbier side, then you will probably be used to being treated as an oddity or eccentric, reflecting the deeply ingrained sense of fat-phobia in our society. Society is pervaded with fat-phobia, particularly when it comes to relationships; if a fat person starts a relationship with a skinny person, people will view the partner with sympathetic and often judgemental eyes.

Sadly, whilst we can’t change how most people view fat attraction, we can choose to reject the notion that big love is only a fetish because it’s NOT! It is just as real and as beautiful as the love between thin people.

If someone chooses to love a larger person, there’s nothing wrong with them. They are not damaged or misguided. Loving someone with a plump body doesn’t make you any less of a person. And why should it? If people who find thinness attractive are not judged for their choices, why should people who find chubbiness attractive be?

Who you love and find attractive is your choice and you are entitled to it. Your preferences don’t need to comply with what is deemed as ‘normal’ or ‘right’ by the majority.

Remember: There is nothing wrong with you!

You like fat people, so what? Don’t let society dictate your choices. You don’t need to justify your likes and dislikes to anyone. If someone judges you because you fall for BBWs or BHMs , the problem is with them, not you. If someone is close-minded and ignorant, it’s on them. Your actions or selections shouldn’t be open for critique.

If someone ever tells you that you are strange for liking obese people, tell them to mind their own business. Don’t let the bullies bring you down. If you get embarrassed or ashamed in front of such people for even a second, they’ll never stop stomping on your happiness.

Don’t give anyone so much power over yourself. Love whomever you want you, and however, you want to because love is love. There is no manual for love. When you love someone, you just love them for who they are. If being with a larger lover makes you happy, so be it! If you find weight-gain endearing on your partner, so be it!

You only live once so, do whatever makes you happy!


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