Are you someone who loves bigger people with all their heart? Does the word fat describe your ideal partner? Are you looking high and low for a fellow feedist who will love you forever? Making meaningful connections in the age of Tinder can be a tricky art - but finding love could be closer than you think.
The Internet is a blessing, and we are so lucky to be a part of what can be an uplifting and encouraging community. Finding fat-positive people and connecting with them immediately is easier than at any other point in history (global pandemics and national lockdowns not withstanding). But the first and most important step to finding the fat partner of your dreams is to abandon the fear of getting hurt or bullied and taking that step into the arena.
Meeting people is never easy. Like all things worthwhile in life, you have to put in work, and you have to wait for the results to yield. With larger people, social interactions and forming close relationships can be something of an obstacle course, which can sometimes end up in messy and heart-breaking situations. These obstacles include the relentless fatphobia and fat-shaming prevalent across the mainstream dating scene that shatters confidence completely. Another issue that women in particular face is the hyper-sexualization and fetishization of fat women’s bodies in particular, that reduces them to nothing more than a mere sexual object. These difficulties make it hard for bigger people, especially fat women, to find love.
These factors at times can make it feel nearly impossible to find a plump partner. However, there is solution to this problem - fat-positive dating sites and apps.
Many online platforms have emerged that allow you to find, match with, and date plus-sized people. These include apps such as WooPlus, which serves the purpose of an online dating platform specifically for fat-lovers and plus-sized people. Another great initiative is the launch of fat-positive social networking platforms like Feabie and FantasyFeeder, which allow fat people and their admirers to express themselves and their love for feeding while remaining fat-positive at all times. These platforms can be accessed by anyone interested in larger partners or would just love to be part of the fat community. Whoever you are, you’ll be welcomed into these spaces with open arms and lots of love.
This fat-specific approach has helped many plus sized beauties and hunks find a wholesome community to be a part of, and find someone who loves them for who they are. There are numerous communities across the Internet that house feedism-friendly, fat-positive groups of people and cater to their fetishes by allowing them to partner up with other people on the site.
These communities are not only for dating but can also be used to make friends and have your social gathering. Nevertheless, meeting a fat partner is not the end of the story. It is also important to emphasize how you treat them and ensure that your relationship with them, be it platonic or romantic, is healthy.
A healthy relationship is one of understanding, compassion, and respect. It is when you respect your partner that you will be able to love them wholly. If you do not respect parts of who they are as a person, or what they choose to do, that relationship risks turning toxic. To have a healthy relationship with a fat person, it is essential to openly become an ally of fat people. Only when you stand up for them privately and publicly in their everyday life, and support movements of fat-liberation, will you be able help to make a better society for them and tell them honestly 'I love you.'
As you seek out a fat partner, always be aware what a relationship that means. You love fat, and every embodiment of fat. You embrace it, and you care for it. Support your fat partners and love them without fetishizing their bodies. Appreciate them for who they are as a person, and love the perky personality traits that make them who they are. Stay away from all negative health and diet-talk and let your relationship bask in the glory of fat.
Establishing a healthy relationship is not hard. It just takes effort, and when it is for someone you love, it is never too much work. Stay fat, healthy, and in love.